A couple of years ago a potential mate asked me "Who
are you?". He told me to answer the question without using the words
mother, sister, friend, daughter or saying what I did for a living. I
couldn't answer the question because I had wrapped my life around these
roles. I had forgotten who I was without all of that. I had become who
and what other people expected me to be at the expense of who I really
am. I didn't know how to think or feel about anything.
Since that time, I have been rediscovering who I am. I have started doing thing I used to enjoy again and finding new things to enjoy as well. I now express my opinions. I no longer agree just to agree or just to get along. I am no longer overly concerned with what people think of me. I don't allow what people think of me to impact my thoughts, attitude or behavior. I will ask for input from others, but ultimately the decision will be mine.
On this road to self discovery I'm sure there will be people will be unhappy with me, say that I've changed, will be judgmental or criticize. That's their issue not mine. The ultimate goal is for me to find out who I am, what I want and to embrace it. To just be ME without fear, quilt, shame or regret.

So, now I'm asking you, yes you, the person reading this blog at this
very moment, "Who are you?". If you know who you are that's great. If
you don't know or aren't sure, then It's time to find out. Life is too
If you are looking for a place where you fully express yourself and just be you check out Cullen's Corner Hot Topics at cullenscorner.com and join the site. Membership is free. Joining this site has helped me tremendously with my journey to self discovery. On cullenscorner.com you can write your own blog and be part of the discussions posted there among other things. For example you could participate in upcoming webinars happening September through January covering the topics of self discovery, financial planning, gratitude, and personal spirit.
I hope to see you there.
Since that time, I have been rediscovering who I am. I have started doing thing I used to enjoy again and finding new things to enjoy as well. I now express my opinions. I no longer agree just to agree or just to get along. I am no longer overly concerned with what people think of me. I don't allow what people think of me to impact my thoughts, attitude or behavior. I will ask for input from others, but ultimately the decision will be mine.
On this road to self discovery I'm sure there will be people will be unhappy with me, say that I've changed, will be judgmental or criticize. That's their issue not mine. The ultimate goal is for me to find out who I am, what I want and to embrace it. To just be ME without fear, quilt, shame or regret.

^^^^^^^ This sums up my point.^^^^^^^
If you are looking for a place where you fully express yourself and just be you check out Cullen's Corner Hot Topics at cullenscorner.com and join the site. Membership is free. Joining this site has helped me tremendously with my journey to self discovery. On cullenscorner.com you can write your own blog and be part of the discussions posted there among other things. For example you could participate in upcoming webinars happening September through January covering the topics of self discovery, financial planning, gratitude, and personal spirit.
I hope to see you there.